Preliminary results of a computerized and stereoscopic system for in vivo pupillometry
Luis Alberto Vieira de Carvalho; Augusto Paranhos Júnior
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 775-780
HLA-matched living-related conjunctival limbal allograft for bilateral ocular surface disorders: long-term results
Caio Scocco; Sérgio Kwitko; Samuel Rymer; Diane Marinho; Francisco Bocaccio; Rodrigo Lindenmeyer
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 781-787
Comparison between OPD-Scan results and visual outcomes of Tecnis® ZM900 and Restor® SN60D3 diffractive multifocal intraocular lenses
Wilson Takashi Hida; Antonio Francisco Pimenta Motta; Newton Kara-José Júnior; Humberto Costa; Clayton Tokunaga; Livio Neiva Cordeiro; Daniela Gemperli; Celso Takashi Nakano
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 788-792
New comparative ultrasound biomicroscopic findings between fellow eyes of acute angle closure and glaucomatous eyes with narrow angle
Rafael Vidal Mérula; Sebastião Cronemberger; Alberto Diniz Filho; Nassim Calixto
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 793-798
Ocular coherence tomography in age-related macular degeneration patients treated with photodynamic therapy with vertepofirin
Arnaldo Furman Bordon; Akioshi Oshima; Tércio Alves Guia; Daniela Calucci; Juliana Maria Ferraz Sallum; Michel Eid Farah
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 799-804
Fidelity of the potential acuity meter in the postoperative visual acuity of cataract surgery
Brenda Biagio Chiacchio; Ricardo Mitsuo Sato; Roberta Bianca Peres Siqueira; Frederico França Marques
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 805-808
Orbital space-occupying lesions: an 11-year study of cases with histopathologic analysis seen at Hospital das Clínicas of FMUSP
Hélio Angotti Neto; Leonardo Provetti Cunha; Fábio Gasparin; Ruth Miyuki Santo; Mário Luiz Ribeiro Monteiro
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 809-812
Corneal Cross-linking for the treatment of keratoconus: preliminary results
Mirko R. Jankov II; Farhad Hafezi; Maja Beko; Zora Ignjatovic; Branislav Djurovic; Vujica Markovic; Paulo Schor
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 813-818
Angioid streaks: fundoscopic analysis of 317 cases
Suel Abujamra; Alan Diego Negretto; Janaína Jamile Ferreira Saraceno; Tâmara Lopes Oliveira; André Marcelo Vieira Gomes
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 819-821
Effects of mitomycin C on infiltration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes after epithelial scrape injury in the mouse cornea
Ana Cecília Souza Leão Escarião; Takayuki Nagasaki; Jin Zhao; Richard Braunstein
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 822-826
Molecular detection of herpes simplex virus by polymerase chain reaction in patients with typical and atypical herpetic keratitis
Afonso Kamimura; Magali Ineko Takata; Ana Carolina Moraes Fernandes; João Paulo Neves; Marco Túlio Chater Viegas; Valquise Yumi Murata; Maurício Lacerda Nogueira; Gildásio Castello de Almeida Júnior
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 827-830
Decrease of upper eyelid levator muscle function after involutional ptosis and dermatochalasis surgery
Eliana Forno; Eurípedes da Mota Moura; Suzana Matayoshi; Ângela Tavares Paes; Augusto Paranhos Junior
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 831-836
Visual control in children with developmental dyslexia
Stella Maris Costa Castro; Cintia Alves Salgado; Fernando Portolani Andrade; Sylvia Maria Ciasca; Keila Miriam Monteiro Carvalho
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 837-840
Visual quality after custom versus standard LASIK retreatment
Andréia Peltier Urbano; Walton Nosé
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 841-846
Analysis of the life quality of infectious and non-infectious patients with uveitis using the NEI-VFQ-25 questionnaire
Paula Resende Aquino de Assis Pereira Mello; Adriano de Carvalho Roma; Haroldo Vieira Moraes Júnior
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 847-854
Biopsychosocial profile of patients with anophthalmia in the south of Minas Gerais - Brazil
Luiz Gustavo Megda Cabral; Hercílio Martelli Júnior; Denise Moura Leite; David Sabatini Júnior; Amanda Beatriz Dahdah Aniceto de Freitas; Roseli Teixeira Miranda; Mário Sérgio Oliveira Swerts; Letízia Monteiro de Barros
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 855-859
Effect of topical 0.5% povidone-iodine compared to 5% natamycin in fungal keratitis caused by Fusarium solani in a rabbit model: a pilot study
Lauro Augusto de Oliveira; Thales Takeo Takata; Alvio Isao Shiguematsu; Luiz Alberto Soares Melo Júnior; Olga Fischman Gompertz; Luciene Barbosa de Sousa; Mark J. Mannis
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 860-864
An unusual orbital metastatic lesion: the only finding in a case of hepatocellular carcinoma: case report
Nilson Lopes da Fonseca Júnior; Luciana Frizon; Luis Paves; Angela Maria Borri Wolosker; Paulo Góis Manso
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 865-867
Aneurysmal bone cyst of the orbit - a clinicopathological study: case report
Eduardo F. Marback; Murilo Neves; Roberto L. Marback
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 868-870
Primary peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour of the orbit: case report
Ivana Lopes Romero; Luciano Sousa Pereira; Felipe Augusto Garcez de Campos; José Vital Filho; Simone Haber Duellberg Von Faber Bison
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 871-873
Surgical treatment of macular detachment secondary to congenital pit of the optic disc: case report
Otacílio de Oliveira Maia Júnior; Danilo Sone Soriano; Walter Yukihiko Takahashi; Hisashi Suzuki
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 874-877
Juvenile retinoschisis: case report
Aline Amaral Fulgêncio da Cunha; Bruno Carvalho Picanço; Grazziella Acácio e Almeida; Nara Helena Teixeira Rodrigues; Guilherme Mourão Soares da Rocha
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 878-880
Lichen planus leading to bilateral cicatrizing keratoconjunctivitis: case report
Camila Melo Gadelha Pereira Diniz; Luiz Antonio Vieira; Moacyr Pezati Rigueiro; Mônica Vasconcelos; Denise de Freitas
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 881-885
Sympathetic ophthalmia - histopathological correlation with fluorescein and indocyanine green angiography: case report
Antônio Marcelo Barbante Casella; Michel Eid Farah; Maria Cristina Martins; Alexandre Hasegawa; Ana Paula Miyagusko Taba Oguido
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 886-889
Intermediate uveitis complicated by choroidal granuloma following subretinal neovascular membrane: case reports
Carlos Alexandre de Amorim Garcia; Paulo de Souza Segundo; Carlos Alexandre de Amorim Garcia Filho; Ana Cláudia Medeiros de Amorim Garcia
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 890-893
Adverse effects associated with facial application of botulinum toxin: a systematic review with meta-analysis
Roberta Melissa Benetti Zagui; Suzana Matayoshi; Frederico Castelo Moura
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 894-901
Technique of intravitreal drug injection for therapy of vitreoretinal diseases
Eduardo Buchele Rodrigues; Mauricio Maia; Fernando Marcondes Penha; Eduardo Dib; Arnaldo Furman Bordon; Octaviano Magalhães Júnior; Michel Eid Farah
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2008;71 (6): 902-907

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