Open Access Peer-Reviewed

Angioid streaks: fundoscopic analysis of 317 cases

Estrias angióides: análise fundoscópica de 317 casos

Suel Abujamra1; Alan Diego Negretto2; Janaína Jamile Ferreira Saraceno3; Tâmara Lopes Oliveira3; André Marcelo Vieira Gomes2

DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27492008000600010


PURPOSE: To evaluate the presence of choroidal neovascularization (CN) and their sequels in patient bearing angioid streaks (AE). METHODS: Case records of patients assisted from 1976 to 2006 at the Instituto Suel Abujamra located in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, were analyzed retrospectively. Age, skin color; patient complaints at the first evaluation, visual acuity, fundoscopic aspects with special attention to disciform lesions to active or scarred subretinal CN were considered. RESULTS: Among the 317 studied patients, 163 (51.5%) were men. The average age was 57, with standard deviation of 12.4 years, minimum 11 and maximum 91 years. Regarding skin color, 209 (66.2%) were white, 91 (29.0%) were yellow, 11 (3.7%) were black, and 3 (1.1%) were mulatto. AE were bilateral in all patients; of 631 researched eyes, 348 (55.1%) had brown color AE, in 153 (24.2%) they were gray and in 124 (19.6%) reddish brown. Upon diagnosis, visual acuities measured with the Snellen chart were worse than 20/200 in 40.4% of the eyes. CN absence was proven in 103 (32.5%) patients. The unilateral lesions were present in 112 (35.3%) and bilateral lesions were present in 99 (31.2%). Regarding location, 242 (74.3%) were macular, 45 (13.8%) were extramacular and 38 (11.7%) were both macular and extramacular. CONCLUSION: AE are an important cause of legal blindness and can be easily bypassed in an ophthalmic routine examination in the absence of active or disciform neovascular lesions. The expressive number of these cases brings us to the importance of this study. It highlights the need for a meticulous fundoscopic examination in order to improve diagnoses of the disease and early treatment of CN.

Keywords: Angioid streaks; Retinal diseases; Retina


OBJETIVO: Avaliar a presença de neovascularização de coróide (NVC) e suas seqüelas em pacientes portadores de estrias angióides (EA). MÉTODOS: Foram analisados retrospectivamente os prontuários de pacientes atendidos no Instituto Suel Abujamra, São Paulo (SP), Brasil, de 1976 a 2006. Considerou-se a idade, cor da pele, queixas na primeira consulta, acuidade visual e aspecto fundoscópico com especial atenção a lesões disciformes por NVC sub-retinianas ativas ou cicatrizadas. RESULTADOS: Dos 317 pacientes estudados, 163 (51,5%) eram homens. A média de idade era de 57 anos com desvio-padrão de 12,4 anos, mínimo de 11 e máximo de 91 anos. Quanto a cor da pele, 209 (66,2%) eram brancos, 91 (29,0%) amarelos,11 (3,7%) negros, e 3 (1,1%) pardos. As EA eram bilaterais em todos os pacientes, e de 631 olhos pesquisados, 348 (55,1%) tinham EA de coloração marrom, 153 (24,2%) cinza e 124 (19,6%) marrom-avermelhada. No momento do diagnóstico, as acuidades visuais medidas na tabela de Snellen foram piores que 20/200 em 40,4% dos olhos. Comprovou-se a ausência de NVC em 103 (32,5%) pacientes. As lesões NVC unilaterais estavam presentes em 112 (35,3%) e bilaterais em 99 (31,2%). Quanto à localização, 242 (74,3%) eram maculares, 45 (13,8%) extra-maculares e 38 (11,7%) mistas. CONCLUSÃO: As EA são importante causa de cegueira legal e podem passar despercebidas no exame oftalmológico de rotina quando não apresentam lesões maculares disciformes ativas ou cicatrizadas. A importância deste estudo é o expressivo número de casos e alertar os oftalmologistas quanto à necessidade de um exame fundoscópico minucioso, a fim de monitorá-las, diagnosticar e tratar precocemente a NVC.

Descritores: Estrias angióides; Doenças retinianas; Retina



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