
Brief History

Impact Factor


SCImago Journal and Country Rank

The journal Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia (ABO) started its activities in 1938. The founder and first editor was Dr. Waldemar Rangel Belfort Mattos. ABO has been published continuously since then. On September 29, 2000, ABO was transferred to the Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology (Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia - CBO). The purpose of the journal is to disseminate original research, clinical cases of scientific interest, and continuous medical updates in ophthalmology, ocular health, prevention of blindness, and visual sciences.

Open Science Compliance

ABO follows the Open Science Diamond model (no fees for authors or readers).
ABO editorial board studies ways to implement Open Science practices and, in view of this, the corresponding author must send the Open Science Compliance Form with the submission files, as a way of understanding their position on this way of publishing. The form template can be found on the File Upload page in ScholarOne Manuscripts.

Publication Ethics

All research must be approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the institution where the research was conducted. The ethical principles must be in accordance with the legal framework of the country where the research was carried out and with the Declaration of Helsinki in its latest version.
ABO adopts the guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): https://publicationethics.org/.

Focus and Scope

The focus of ABO is to publish original articles and reviews that provide insights into the understanding of the physiology and issues related to vision. The scope ranges from anatomy through the molecular biology of structures related to normal vision to diseases that affect eye and visual health, from in vitro models to experimental, translational, and clinical studies, as well as aspects of epidemiology, prevention of blindness, signs and symptoms, complementary tests, therapeutic, pharmacological, and surgical approaches. Additionally, it covers the well-being and functional rehabilitation of new diseases or new approaches to ocular or visual system diseases.

Digital Preservation

This journal follows the standards defined in the Digital Preservation Policy of the SciELO Program.

Indexing Sources

Web of Science
LILACS - Literatura Latino-americana em Ciências da saúde

Bibliographic Sheet

Journal Title: Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia
Abbreviated title: Arq Bras Oftalmol
Published by: Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology - Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia (CBO)
Periodicity: Bimonthly
Publication modality: Regular or continuous Publication
Year of journal creation: 1938

Web sites and Social Media

Web site: aboonline.org.br



ABO accepts articles that are already available as preprints. This condition, as well as the repository, must be mentioned at the time of submission.

Peer review process

The evaluation process involves a preliminary analysis of the manuscript to ensure that the submission meets the journal’s requirements. Subsequently, specialized editors evaluate whether the article meets ABO’s scope and focus, and from there, anonymous volunteer reviewers are selected.

Open data

ABO offers authors the possibility to keep data open and recommends the SciELO data repository. Other repositories are equally accepted. This policy refers to “the sharing of data, codes, methods, and other materials used and resulting from research that usually underlie the texts of articles published by journals.”  

Fee Collection

ABO is a Diamond Open Access journal. It does not charge fees for submission, proofreading, editing, color figures, or publication of articles.
Financial sustainability is managed by the Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology (Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia - CBO) and adheres to the SciELO Declaration on Financial Sustainability: https://mailchi.mp/scielo/declaracao-sobre-sustentabilidade

Policy on Ethics and Misconduct, Erratum, and Retraction

ABO’s ethical issues shall be addressed by the editorial board, and the decisions shall be communicated to the Board of Directors. Decisions will follow SciELO’s Good Practices policies:

Conflict of Interest Policy

ABO’s conflict of interest policies follow the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The conflict of interest may be personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial in nature. Conflicts of interest can occur when authors, reviewers, or editors have interests that may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts.
When submitting the manuscript, authors are responsible for acknowledging and disclosing financial or other conflicts that may have influenced the work. If there is even a potential conflict of interest, the author(s) must inform it in a specific document signed and attached on the submission platform.
For more information see Disclosure of Financial and Nonfinancial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest.

Adoption of similarity-checking software

ABO uses similarity and automated text generation-checking software that uses artificial intelligence.
All submitted manuscripts are checked, and it is up to the editorial board to decide whether the similarity compromises scientific integrity and to notify the authors about it.
Cases of misconduct in publication will be judged according to the criteria and recommendations of the COPE (http://publicationethics.org).

Sex and Gender Issues

The ABO editorial team and the authors who publish in the journal must always follow the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines. SAGER is a set of guidelines for reporting sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, results, and interpretation of findings.
In addition, ABO observes the policy of gender equality in the formation of its editorial board.

Ethics Committee

The authors should send a Letter of approval by the Human or Animal Research Ethics Committee of the organization where the study was conducted, or the IRB approval. Studies conducted in Brazil must provide the number of the CAAE - Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Consideration.

If the Ethics Committee approval does not apply to the study, the corresponding author should send a report stating that the evaluation of the project by the committee is not necessary.

For Eye Images, if the image includes identifiable information about a patient, the authors must obtain written informed consent from the patient or their legal guardian.


Authors of articles published in ABO retain the copyright of their works by licensing them under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited.

Intellectual Property and Terms of Use

Site responsibility:

There are no rights reserved by the ABO portal.

Author’s responsibility:
ABO encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts by publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and scholarly social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, provided the full citation of the version on the journal’s website is included.
The license adopted by ABO (https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/cclicenses/) is CC-BY. All journal content and articles published in ABO are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license, except where otherwise specified.

Sponsors and Funding Agencies

Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology - Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia (CBO).




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