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Evaluation of a simulation tool in ophthalmology: application in teaching funduscopy

Avaliação do uso de um instrumento de simulação em oftalmologia: aplicação no ensino da fundoscopia

Eduardo Damasceno1; Nadyr Damasceno2

DOI: 10.5935/0004-2749.20160040

Dear Editor:

I read with interest the study with the above title by Androwiki, which reported regarding the funduscopy simulator device, that published in the ABO February 2015 edition(1). My team and I published a similar article entitled "Teaching ophthalmology at university medical undergraduate course: comparative study of direct ophthalmoscopy between conventional ophthalmoscope and wide field ophthalmoscope (panoptic) as evaluation method" in Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia(2).

We agree with the authors that teaching funduscopy through a new type of device is feasible; however, some considerations are required.

  • a) In ophthalmology, the teaching of the beginners may be complicated by eye fundus difficulties, such as high-refraction errors, small pupils, and lens opacities. The same difficulties are faced among physicians in other specialties(2,4).

  • b) Limitations with simulators are known in several subspecialties (mainly surgical ones); however, in this particular study, the association with a wide-field direct ophthalmoscope could facilitate this type of teaching(2,3).

Funding: No specific financial support was available for this study.


1 Androwiki JE, Scravoni IA, Ricci LH, Fagundes DJ, Ferraz C A. Evaluation of a simulation tool in ophthalmology: application in teaching funduscopy. Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2015; 78(1):36-9.

2 Damasceno EF, Damasceno NA, Costa Filho AA. Ensino de oftalmologia na graduação médica: Estudo comparativo de aprendizado na oftalmoscopia direta com oftalmoscópio convencional e de campo amplo (Panoptic). Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2009; 68(4):231-6.

3 McComiskie JE, Greer RM, Gole GA. Panoptic versus conventional ophthalmoscope. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2004;32(3):238-42.

4 Lippa LM. Medical student education. Ophthalmology. 2006;113(5):890-1.

Submitted for publication: November 30, 2015.
Accepted for publication: December 2, 2015.


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