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Search for: b

Codeine plus acetaminophen improve sleep quality, daily activity level, and food intake in the early postoperative period after photorefractive keratectomy: a secondary analysis
Vinicius B. P. Pereira; André A. M. Torriceli; Renato Garcia; Samir J. Bechara; Milton R. Alves
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2021;84 (1):45-50 - Artigo Original
Grating visual acuity impairment assessed by sweep visually evoked potentials in children with optic pathway tumors unable to perform optotype acuity tests
Patrícia de Freitas Dotto; Adriana Berezovsky; Andrea Maria Cappellano; Nasjla Saba da Silva; Paula Yuri Sacai; Daniel Martins Rocha; Erica Pinheiro de Andrade; Frederico Adolfo B. Silva; Solange Rios Salomão
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2021;84 (2):140-148 - Artigo Original
Microperimetry differences in macular sensitivity threshold between first and second tested eyes
Natacha B. Junqueira; Luiz H. Lima; Rodrigo B. Ferreira; Denny Marcos Garcia; João M. Furtado; Rodrigo Jorge
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2021;84 (3):203-208 - Artigo Original
Effect of steroid eyedrops after trabeculectomy in glaucoma patients: a keratograph analysis
Nikoly T. Fares; Renata C. Portela; Lilian F. Machado; Murilo Polizelli; Denise de Freitas; Augusto Paranhos Jr; Tiago S. Prata; Carolina P. B. Gracitelli
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2021;84 (4):345-351 - Artigo Original
Marijuana for glaucoma treatment: a recipe for disaster
Fábio B. Daga; Izabela Almeida; Tiago S Prata; Augusto Paranhos Jr
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2021;84 (2):5-7 - Editorial
Gonioscopy-assisted transluminal trabeculotomy (GATT) outcomes in eyes with open-angle glaucoma resistant to maximum treatment
Bruno M. de Faria; Fábio B. Daga; Vespasiano Rebouças-Santos; Rafael B. de Araújo; Carlos Matos Neto; Jéssica S. Jacobina; Marco A. R. de Faria
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2021;84 (6):587-593 - Artigo Original
Assessment of short-term intraocular pressure parameters in phakic and pseudophakic patients with primary open-angle glaucoma
Adriana Sobral Lourenço; Candice Cristina Quirino de Araújo; Procópio Miguel dos Santos; Tiago S. Prata; Nara Lidia Vieira Lopes3; Regina Cândido Ribeiro dos Santos; Carolina P. B. Gracitelli; Nubia Vanessa Lima de Faria
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2021;84 (5):425-429 - Artigo Original
Subbasal corneal nerve damage in patients with bacterial keratitis: in vivo confocal microscopy study
Rodrigo Thiesen Müller; Beatriz B. de Andrade; Luciene Barbosa de Sousa
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2022;85 (1):1-6 - Artigo Original
The frequency of blindness and visual impairment in the central-west region of Brazil
Guilherme B. Ribeiro; Giuliano P. Dobri; Ricardo Y. Abe
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2021;84 (4):402-403 - Carta ao Editor
Anatomy and evaluation of the optic nerve head
Lilian F Machado; Rafael L. Furlanetto; Carolina P. B. Gracitelli
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2022;85 (6):636-643 - Artigo de Revisão
A novel interlamellar oral mucosa graft surgery technique using fibrin glue for the treatment of trichiasis
William W. Binotti; Ana Carla B. de Aguiar; Aline A. Barbosa; Sergio V. Burnier
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2023;86 (1):52-59 - Artigo Original
Brazilian guideline for pediatric cycloplegia and mydriasis
Ian Curi; Simone Akiko Nakayama; Érika Mota Pereira; Luisa Moreira Hopker; Fábio Ejzenbaum; Ronaldo Boaventura Barcellos; Rosane da Cruz Ferreira; Monica Fialho Cronemberger; Craig A Mckeown; Júlia Dutra Rossetto
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2023;86 (4):388-396 - Artigos de Revisão
Morphofunctional evaluation of peripapillary retinoschisis associated with myopic posterior staphyloma and hyaloid traction: does it cause peripapillary vitreoretinal traction?
Fillipe B. Borges; Leandro Cabral Zacharias; Sergio Luis Gianotti Pimentel; Leonardo Provetti Cunha; Mário Luis Ribeiro Monteiro; Rony Carlos Preti
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2024;87 (3):1-4 - Relato de Caso
Botulinum toxin A for the treatment of strabismus in children with neurological impairment
Betul Tugcu; Bilge Araz-Ersan; Seyhan B. Özkan
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2024;87 (4):1-8 - Artigo Original
Swept-source optical coherence tomography detects anterior-chamber changes in patients with angle-closure after laser peripheral iridotomy
Bruno L. B. Esporcatte; Norton S. Yanagimori; Guilherme H. Bufarah; Roberto M. Vessani; Luiz Alberto S. Melo Jr; Norma Allemann; Ivan Maynart Tavares
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2024;87 (5):0-0 - Artigo Original
Relationship between the number of glaucoma medications, ocular surface disorder, and treatment adherence
Gustavo A. Samico; Ricardo Y. Abe; Tiago S. Prata; Sergio Henrique Teixeira; Augusto Paranhos Jr; Carolina P. B. Gracitelli
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2024;87 (6):1-7 - Artigo Original
Bilateral choroidal metastasis of follicular thyroid carcinoma 7 years after total thyroidectomy: a case report
Theo R. Morais; Nicole B. Larivoir; Cristiana M. Ramalho
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2024;87 (2):1-3 - Relato de Caso
Emulsified silicone oil in the anterior chamber
Laura G. Cyrino; Nicole B. M. Almeida; Newton Kara-Junior
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2024;87 (3):1-1 - Imagens de Olhos
Morgagnian cataract
Fabio Marinho; Nicole B. M. Almeida; Newton Kara-Junior
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2024;87 (4):1-1 - Imagens de Olhos

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