Continuous publication since 1938

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Current Issue - VOLUME 87 - ISSUE 4, 2024



Eduardo Melani Rocha Newton Kara José Junior Rubens Bel[...]



Who should finance science? A consideration about publicatio[...]

Who should finance science? A consideration about publication costs

Big research groups do not need to worry about the costs of publishing their studies, as they generally hav[...]

Newton Kara-Junior
Original Articles
Toxına botulínica tipo A para o tratamento de estrabısmo em crianças neurologicamente comprometidas

Purposes: To assess the efficacy of botulinum toxin A injection in the treatment of strabismus in patients with neurological impairment [...]

Betul Tugcu; Bilge Araz-Ersan; Seyhan B. Özkan
Original Articles
Avaliação longitudinal da tomografia de coerência óptica RTVue em pacientes glaucomatosos e suspeitos de glaucoma com campos visuais estáveis

Purpose: To longitudinally compare isolated structural parameters obtained using RTVue optical coherence tomography in patients with glaucoma and suspected glaucoma [...]

Valdenir Ribeiro Júnior; Marcos P. Ávila; Cristiane F. Ribeiro; Leopoldo Magacho
Original Articles
Distrofias maculares associadas a fenótipos Stargardt-like

Purpose: Stargardt-like phenotype has been described as associated with pathogenic variants besides the ABCA4 gene. This study aimed to describe [...]

Rebeca A. S. Amaral; Olivia A. Zin; Mariana V. Salles; Fabiana L. Motta; Juliana Maria Ferraz Sallum
Original Articles
Síndrome de opsoclonia-mioclonia idiopática de início adulto

Purpose: Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome is extremely uncommon in adults with an autoimmune pathophysiology. Because of the rarity of the syndrome, international [...]

Xiaohan Zhang; Wenjing Yan; Yuqiang Song; Haifang Zhu; Yanping Sun
Original Articles
Medição do eixo visual através de dois métodos diferentes: quantificação e diferenças para medição da corda µ

Purpose: To compare the differences between the <i>apparent and actual chord</i> µ. Methods: In this prospective, comparative, non-randomized, and non-interventional study, [...]

Pablo Felipe Rodrigues; Bernardo Kaplan Moscovici; Luciano Lamazales; Marcela Mara Silva Freitas; José Álvaro Pereira Gomes; Walton Nosé; Mauro Silveira Campos
Original Articles
Análise de alterações da pressão intraocular (PIO) sob o espectro da pressão atmosférica em uma câmara hiperbárica multi-luga

Purpose: To evaluate the influence of atmospheric pressure changes on the behavior of intraocular pressure of healthy military [...]

Sara Edith Moreno Mazo; Fernando Yaacov Peña; Johanna Victoria Osorio Ramírez
Original Articles
Remodelamento corneano: relato de um experimento com um vitrigel a base de colágeno tipo I para remodelamento de córneas porcinas

Purpose: This study aimed to report an experiment designed to determine anatomical changes in porcine corneas following placement of a [...]

Maria Carolina Marquezan; Denise de Freitas; Shoumyo Majumdar; Xiaokun Wang; Jennifer Elisseeff; David L. Guyton; Kraig Scot Bower; Zachary P. Skurski; Maria Regina Chalita; Rubens Belfort Jr; Albert S. Jun
Original Articles
Uso de vídeos cirúrgicos nas mídias sociais entre cirurgiões de retina: resultados de uma pesquisa com especialista em retina

Purpose: This study aimed to assess and interpret how vitreoretinal surgeons use surgical videos available on social media as complementary [...]

Luiz Filipe Adami Lucatto; Gabriel Castilho Sandoval Barbosa; Juliana Moura Bastos Prazeres; Emmerson Badaró Cardoso; Ricardo Luz Leitão Guerra; Luiz Henrique Soares Gonçalves de Lima; Eduardo Büchele Rodrigues
Original Articles
Sistema de vigilância epidemiológica para endoftalmites em nível estadual em um país de renda média: resultados preliminares

PURPOSE: To describe the implementation process and the preliminary results of a surveillance system for healthcare-associated endophthalmitis. METHODS: This is a [...]

Reginaldo Adalberto Luz; Denise Brandão de Assis; Geraldine Madalosso; Stephen Timmons; Maria Clara Padoveze
Original Articles
O índice de massa corporal é o fator de influência da catarata relacionada à idade: uma meta-análise atualizada e revisão sistêmica

PURPOSE: Visual impairment and blindness caused by cataracts are major public health problems. Several factors are associated with an increased [...]

Huilin Chen; Xiaolei Sun; Li Pei; Ting Wang
Original Articles
Macular edema after surgery to treat rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: 1-year follow-up, incidence, and associated risk factors

PURPOSE: To clarify the postoperative incidence of macular edema in patients undergoing surgery to repair rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and identify [...]

Caroline Thais Machry Finger; Gabriela Maliska; Sérgio Brillinger Novello
Original Articles
Impression cytology of ocular surface in xeroderma pigmentosum

PURPOSE: To describe cellular alterations detected by impression cytology of the ocular surface in patients with xeroderma pigmentosum. The secondary [...]

Allexya Affonso Antunes Marcos; Denise Freitas; Jeison de Nadai Barros; Arthur Gustavo Fernandes; Márcia Lowen; Moacyr Rigueiro; Melina Correia Morales; Rubens Belfort Neto; Arun D. Singh
Original Articles
Assessment of quality of life, psychosocial, and epidemiological aspects in patients diagnosed with tuberculous uveitis

PURPOSE: To assess the quality of life in patients diagnosed as having tuberculous uveitis and its association with sociodemographic, clinical, [...]

Luci Meire P. Silva; Tiago Eugênio Faria e Arantes; Aristófanes Canamary Jr; Yuslay Fernández Zamora; Luciana Peixoto S. Finamor; Ester Abigail Martins; Ricardo Pedro Casaroli-Marano; Cristina Muccioli
Original Articles
Thinning of the retinal nerve fiber and choroidal layers in adolescents with anorexia nervosa: A controlled study

PURPOSE: We aimed to evaluate retinal nerve fiber and choroidal layer alterations in adolescents with anorexia nervosa using spectral-domain optical [...]

Ceyda Baskan; Alkım Oden Akman; Elif Akcay; Sabite Emine Gökce; Demet Tas
Original Articles
Translation, adaptation, and psychometric properties of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Quality of Life in Children with Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis questionnaire

PURPOSE: The prevalence of ocular allergy varies according to the population and location of the study. Severe forms of ocular [...]

Anna Carolina Zamperlini Ferreira; Lucas Pitrez Mocelin; Fábio Zanini; Myrna Serapião dos Santos; Herberto José Chong-Neto; Márcia Carvalho Mallozi; Dirceu Solé
Original Articles
Comparison of HIF-1α and survivin levels in patients with diabetes and retinopathy of varying severity

PURPOSE: This study measured serum hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1α) and survivin levels in patients with diabetes and investigated their association with [...]

Burak Bilgin; Semsettin Bilak; Yusuf Özay
Original Articles
Vitamin D status in active and inactive noninfectious uveitis - data from a reference university hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

PURPOSE: This study aimed to investigate the correlation between serum vitamin D levels and disease activity in patients with noninfectious [...]

Henrique Maciel Vieira de Moraes; Juliana Rocha de Mendonça da Silva; Milena Ribeiro Rangel; Marcelle Raschik Riche; Haroldo Vieira de Moraes Junior
Original Articles
Long-term outcomes of modified transcanalicular diode laser dacryocystorhinostomy

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to assess the long-term outcomes of modified transcanalicular diode laser dacryocys torhinostomy in [...]

Eduardo Damous Feijó; Juliana Alves Caixeta; Bruna Angelina Alves de Souza; Roberto Murillo Limongi
Original Articles
Comparison of keratoplasty outcomes at the scar versus edema stages of keratoconus

PURPOSE: To assess the outcomes of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty or penetrating keratoplasty at the scar and the edema stages. [...]

Yingxin Chen; Zhida You; Cuiyu Wang; Ruiyao Gao; Kai Zhang
Original Articles
Transition from an in-person to a telemedicine diabetic retinopathy screening program

PURPOSE: Timely screening and treatment are essential for preventing diabetic retinopathy blindness. Improving screening workflows can reduce waiting times for [...]

Vanessa de O. Almeida Barbieri; Luis Filipe Nakayama; Gabriel Almeida Barbieri; Suzane Eberhart Ribeiro da Silva; Daniel Cunha José Karmouche; Marcelle Naomi Oshiro Shinzato; Rodrigo Eiji Nakagawa; Caio Vinicius Regatieri; Fernando Korn Malerbi
Case Report
Cataract surgery and artificial iris implantation in patient with oculocutaneous albinism: a case report

We present a case report detailing the successful phacoemulsification surgery with artificial iris implantation for two individuals with oculocutaneous albinism. [...]

Guilherme Vieira Peixoto; Gabriela Tomaz Martinho; Caio Cezar Toledo de Conti; Eduardo Villaça Filho; Renato Klingelfus Pinheiro
Case Report
Endogenous endophthalmitis due to Escherichia coli: a case report

Endophthalmitis is a severe form of purulent inflammation caused by the infection of the intraocular tissues or fluids. This infection [...]

João Pedro Romero Braga; Victor C. F. Bellanda; Moises Moura de Lucena; Francyne Veiga Reis; Rodrigo Jorge
Case Report
Bilateral acute depigmentation of the iris (BADI) and bilateral acute iris transillumination (BAIT): A case series from a center in Brazil

Bilateral acute depigmentation of the iris and bilateral acute iris transillumination (BAIT) are similar clinical entities. The former causes acute-onset [...]

Flavia Veiga Costa; Amanda Gomes e Silva; Leticia Alcântara Pedroso; Ana Luiza Biancardi; André Luiz Land Curi
Case Report
Visual rehabilitation after LASIK complication: flap amputation, topo-guided surgery, and phacoemulsification

We present a case of a patient complaining of monocular diplopia due to a decentered ablation after LASIK. The patient [...]

Frederico França Marques; Daniel Filipe Oliveira Rabelo; Daniela Meira Villano Marques; Glauco Sérgio Avelino de Aquino; Daniel Diniz da Gama; Bernardo Kaplan Moscovici
Review Article
As questões de ponta na abordagem da oftalmia simpática e 6 relatos de caso: uma resposta autoimune mediada por células T

Sympathetic ophthalmia is a rare and potentially devastating bilateral diffuse granulomatous panuveitis. It is caused by surgical or non-surgical eye [...]

Fernando Henrique Flores Teixeira; Thiago Sande Miguel; Danielle Marcello Soares; Juliana Rocha; Ana Luiza Biancardi; Francisco Assis de Andrade; André Luiz Land Curi
Recuperação total da acuidade visual na neuropatia óptica compressiva secundária à mucocele do seio esfenoidal em paciente pediátrico

We present an unusual case of a 13-year-old male pediatric patient with a diagnosis of sphenoid sinus mucocele. The patient [...]

Facundo Urbinati; Rahul Rachwani-Anil; Francisco Zamorano Martín; Guillermo Luque Aranda; Julia Escudero Gómez
Belantamabe-mafodotina, um novo agente para mieloma, causando ceratopatia tóxica: relato de caso e revisão da literatura

A 60-year-old-male with refractory relapsed multiple myeloma presented with redness, pain, foreign body sensation, and blurred vision in both eyes [...]

Rengin Aslıhan Kurt; Deniz Gören; Sehnaz Karadeniz; Mutlu Arat; Afsun Sahin
Vasculite hemorrágica oclusiva da retina associada à vancomicina (HORV) mascarada como oclusão da veia central da retina

A 69-year-old female was referred with sudden unilateral painless decreased vision that began 2 days after uncomplicated cataract surgery in [...]

Virginia Mares; Carlos Eduardo dos Reis Veloso; Marcio Bittar Nehemy
Transplante endotelial de membrana de Descemet para falência primária após transplante penetrante

Primary graft failure (PGF) is a known complication following penetrating keratoplasty (PKP). The usual approach to treat this complication is [...]

Bruno Lovaglio Cançado Trindade; Fellype Borges de Oliveira; Letícia Arriel Crepaldi
Manifestação ocular de transmissão vertical de dengue: relato de caso

A 7-week-old male delivered by cesarean section presented with a positive serology for dengue along with preretinal and retinal hemorrhages, [...]

Rubens Camargo Siqueira; Igor Neves Coelho; João Pedro Romero Braga; Moises Moura de Lucena; Victor C. F. Bellanda; Anita Agarwal; Rodrigo Jorge
Letters to the Editor
Macular perfusion changes in people administered two types of COVID-19 vaccines: comment

Dear Editor, Here, we discuss the article “Macular perfusion changes in people administered two type[...]

Hinpetch Daungsupawong; Viroj Wiwanitkit
Eye Images
Um caso inesperado de um grande corpo estranho intraorbital metálico

A 49-year-old man presented with conjunctival congestion without pain in the left eye in addition to ipsila[...]

Bangtao Yao; Gang Liu; Bei Wang
Eye Images
Segmental vitiligo of the lid margin with leukotrichia of lashes in a child

A 5-year-old child was brought by the parents with complaints of graying of lashes. Poliosis of the left me[...]

Janani Rajagopal
Eye Images
Morgagnian cataract

Morgagnian cataract, a special form of corticonuclear cataract(1), is a hypermature lens in whic[...]

Fabio Marinho; Nicole B. M. Almeida; Newton Kara-Junior

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