Open Access Peer-Reviewed
Artigo Original

Multimodal imaging in retinitis pigmentosa related to the EYS gene

Multimodal imaging in retinitis pigmentosa related to the EYS gene

Ester Abigail da Silva Martins1Δ; Gabriela Doná Rodrigues1Δ; Kendy Junior Ivama1; Mariana Costa Pereira1; Caio Henrique Marques Texeira1; Rebeca Azevedo Souza Amaral1; Juliana Maria Ferraz Sallum1

DOI: 10.5935/0004-2749.2024-0104


PURPOSE: This study aimed to characterize retinitis pigmentosa associated with the eyes shut homolog gene, which causes hereditary retinal degeneration.
METHODS: The anatomical and functional findings of retinitis pigmentosa in patients with variants of the eyes shut homolog gene were characterized and compared using multimodal imaging and genetic analysis of the variants. Clinical data such as visual acuity, lens status, and refraction were obtained from medical records. Patients underwent an ophthalmic examination, including static visual field, microperimetry, optical coherence tomography, fundus autofluorescence, and fundus photography.
RESULTS: Twenty-two patients were included in the study. Several anatomical and functional characteristics of retinitis pigmentosa-eyes shut homolog were identified, including the presence of cataracts, cystoid macular edema, epiretinal membrane, and a tubular visual field. Genetic results revealed 26 distinct variants in the cohort, with 7 novel variants not previously documented or reported in the scientific literature or databases.
CONCLUSION: The findings demonstrate that eyes shut homolog-retinitis pigmentosa manifests in specific patterns, starting in adolescence with mild progression and advancing with age. The integration of multimodal imaging and genetic analysis has provided a detailed understanding of the anatomical and functional features of retinitis pigmentosa-eyes shut homolog. Seven novel variants of the eyes shut homolog gene have been identified. These findings enhance the understanding of eyes shut homolog-related retinitis pigmentosa characteristics of by detailing the spectrum of mutations in this gene within the Brazilian population.

Keywords: Retinal diseases/diagnostic imaging; Retinitis pigmentosa/genetics; Retinal degeneration; Eye proteins/genetics; Eye diseases, hereditary/genetics; Genes, recessive; Phenotype; Multimodal imaging; Tomography, optical coherence/methods; Fluorescein angiogr



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