Open Access Peer-Reviewed
Artigo Original

Analysis of a mobile learning app for ophthalmology in Brazil

Analysis of a mobile learning app for ophthalmology in Brazil

Camila R. Koch1,2; Rafael Scherer1; Newton Kara Junior1; Philipe Dourado Gripp1; Alexandre Antonio Marques Rosa3; Pedro Carlos Carricondo1

DOI: 10.5935/0004-2749.2023-0343


PURPOSE: To determine and analyze the usability metrics of a free mobile learning app for ophthalmology in Brazil.
METHODS: Metric data from the management dashboard of the CBOQUIZ app were used. All users registered on the platform between March 2019 and June 30, 2021 were included. The number of questions answered, number of correct answers, number of questions answered and correct answers by subject area, and user performance by geographic region were analyzed.
RESULTS: There were 458 active users during the research period and 107,245 questions answered (average, 234.16 questions per user). Of the questions answered, 81,600 (75.5%) were correct and 2,645 were incorrect. The states in Brazil with the best performance were Espírito Santo, Paraiba, and Paraná. The subject area with the lowest hit rate was basic sciences (69.1%), within which embryology demonstrated the lowest hit rate (58.28%). The posterior segment had the highest number of questions answered, followed by miscellaneous topics and the anterior segment. Questions on strabismus were the least answered.
CONCLUSION: The app was used consistently throughout the period studied, and participants adhered to this teaching modality. Performance asymmetry was observed across the Brazil states. The CBOQUIZ app can be used to homogenize ophthalmology teaching in the country.

Keywords: Ophthalmology; Mobile applications; Teaching; Smartphone; Education, distance; Internship and residency; Brazil



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