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Search for: Beatriz Fiuza Gomes

Morphologic and molecular study on the lens anterior capsule in systemic sclerosis
Beatriz Fiuza Gomes; Armando S. Crema; Marcony R. Santhiago; Adroaldo Alencar Costa Filho; Haroldo Vieira Moraes Jr; Doralice Silva Paiva; Nádia C.O. Miguel
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2021;84 (3):271-274 - Cartas
Agreement between corneal diameter measurements obtained with an optical biometer and a placido-based topographer
Eloisa Gomes Rosario M. Teixeira; Beatriz Fiuza Gomes; João Dominice Santana; Marcony R Santhiago; Adroaldo Alencar Costa; Haroldo V Moraes Jr
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2023;86 (6):1-5 - Artigo Original

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