Search Results

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Search for: João M. Furtado

2020 and now: what has been accomplished in blindness prevention and what is next?
João M. Furtado; Túlio Frade Reis; Kristen A. Eckert; Van C. Lansingh
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2020;83 (5):5-9 - Editorial
Microperimetry differences in macular sensitivity threshold between first and second tested eyes
Natacha B. Junqueira; Luiz H. Lima; Rodrigo B. Ferreira; Denny Marcos Garcia; João M. Furtado; Rodrigo Jorge
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2021;84 (3):203-208 - Artigo Original
Treatment of noninfectious uveitis
Lisia Barros Ferreira; Alexandra L. Farrall; João M. Furtado; Justine R. Smith
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2021;84 (6):610-621 - Artigos de Revisão
Congenital ocular toxoplasmosis in consecutive siblings
Milena Simões F. Silva; Aparecida Y. Yamamoto; Cristina G. Carvalheiro; Michael E. Grigg; Ana Leonor A. de Medeiros; Marisa M. Mussi-Pinhata; João M. Furtado
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2022;85 (6):625-628 - Cartas

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