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Search for: Helena Messinger Pakter

Glaucoma due to ciliary body cysts and pseudoplateau iris: a systematic review of the literature
Tiago Ribeiro Schmalfuss; Egidio Picetti; Helena Messinger Pakter
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2018;81 (3):254-261 - Artigos de Revisão
Glaucoma suspects referred by general ophthalmologists to a tertiary center in Brazil: outcomes of the glaucoma specialist assessment
Fernanda Limeira Fanton; Egidio Picetti; Steffanie Ferrari Rodrigues; Thaina Silva Moreira; Rodrigo Leivas Lindenmeyer; Fabio Lavinsky; Helena Messinger Pakter
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2023;86 (3):1-7 - Artigo Original

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